
When You're In a Rush, Slow Down

Nothing is more important than the present moment.
Someone once told me that when you’re in a rush, slow down. I can’t tell you how many times that simple phrase has helped me. Contrary to popular belief, rushing doesn’t get us anywhere faster or get anything more accomplished.  

Rushing also adds undo stress that exacerbates the goal we are hoping to accomplish. From driving too fast to doing too many things at once; rushing seems to do more harm than good.  When we rush, our breathing is shallow and raised, our thoughts are chaotic and overwhelming, and we feel out of control like we are spinning our wheels and getting nowhere. 

Rushing robs us of joy and perpetuates the exact feelings and actions we are trying to avoid.  As crazy as it sounds, sometimes stopping an doing the exact opposite is the sanest and quickest route to peace of mind and accomplishing our goals.

Further, rushing is also a sure fire way to exaggerating our sense of importance which keeps us from the present moment.  The present moment is beautiful and sacred and certainly worthy of notice.  By slowing down, the present moment rises in importance rather than where we need go or mindlessly doing more than one thing at a time.  Slowing down helps us to appreciate each moment as is arises.  

Try these steps and see if it helps you get out of the door faster or at least feeling at peace when you get there.  

1.  Stop.  Physically stop what you are doing. Even if you’re driving you can become conscience that you are spinning and choose to stop whatever actions are causing you stress.  
2.  Breathe Take a deep breath, let it out, and feel your body immediately calm and recalibrate. Keep breathing evenly. Ahhh…why do we always forget to breathe?
3.  Refocus.  Think deliberately of what needs to get done in order to accomplish the goal at hand. Plot your next steps that will make that happen.
4.     Act.  Execute those steps calmly and purposefully.

I know that when I slow down my thoughts and breathing and become deliberate with my actions I can organize and prioritize what needs to be done and execute in a more efficient manner. This is crucial since I have the unfortunate habit of running late or waiting to the last minute.   

So the next time you are flying around the house like a chicken with its head cut off, snapping at your loved ones, (pets included), and barking orders; remember this simple idea and see if it works for you. Slow down.  I guarantee the dogs will come out from under the table, your family will smile at you, and you will get out the door with your keys and your sanity.  

Remember, we never “get there”, so we might as well slow down and enjoy the JOY-ney. 

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