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The universe wants us to be happy. Yay! |
Sometimes the more I learn to enlighten myself just feels
like a gigantic burden on how far I have to go.
But don’t fret, wanting to be more present is a
worthy endeavor and by simply wanting to do it, we are already on the way to
getting there. Whew!
The first step is to get into the habit of asking for what we
want. This also is one of the best ways
to get into the habit of praying. If you
are like me and didn’t grow up with prayer, then it may seem like a foreign
concept. I wasn’t taught how to pray and
I certainly didn’t know who or what I was praying to or what to ask for or if I
even had a right to ask for anything. I
felt like a fraud.
When I began the practice of asking, I didn’t even realize
it was a form of prayer, but it is.
Whenever we stop in the moment and ask for anything and everything, we
begin tapping into the power of the universe and listening to who we are and
what we need and want.
This practice for me began innocently enough. Years ago I was at my neighbor Jeanne’s
house. Jeanne is one of those fantastic
people who has wit, wisdom, sass and charm; she also had an unwavering faith
and a close relationship with Jesus. I
always admired her faith, but my spirituality was not Christian specific. It turns out, it just doesn’t matter what
your particular “bent” is; the universe gives to all. Anyway, on this day, Jeanne had lost
something and was beginning to get frustrated.
Finally, she said aloud, “Jesus Christ, friend of mine, there is
something I must find…it’s my___________” .
I laughed but was intrigued that
you could ask Jesus for something so trivial.
She told me that He would help her and within a few minutes, she found
what she was looking for.
Jeanne’s simple prayer inspired me to begin asking. I would invoke Jeanne’s phrase whenever I
lost something, and I can tell you it works like a charm. This began to inspire me to ask/pray for
different things in my life. I thought,
if the universe will respond to something as simple as a lost item, maybe there
is some force at work that responds to what I put out.
One day I was talking with my sister Sherri and she told me
about something she lost. I told her to
ask Jesus and she replied that she didn’t want to bother him, it was too
trivial. It made me wonder, “What’s too
trivial”? Is anything too trivial to ask Jesus or God or
the Universe or yourself, and I realized that nothing is too trivial.
And so I began to ask for anything and everything I was
lacking in the moment or what I wanted to cultivate. If I didn’t like something about myself or
wanted to change, I would ask for the opposite.
For example, if I was feeling petty, I would ask to be more
gracious. If I was nervous, I would ask
for patience or faith or trust or grace.
If I was feeling jealous, I would ask to be more generous. If I was scared, I would ask for
courage. I began to ask and ask and ask. If I needed to talk to someone but didn’t
know what to say, I would ask for the words to come at the right time. Asking was my form of prayer, because by
asking, I would automatically feel better, like the help was already on its
We have all heard the bible verse, “Ask and ye shall
receive”. It’s true. Give it a try. Every time you stop and ask for what you
want, you are actually setting your intention and seeking a positive
outcome. The Universe wants to help you
and give you what you seek, but you must identify it and ask. It can be as simple as saying to yourself or
out loud, “Help me to be….more patient, honest, kind, generous,
courageous…etc.” Or you can ask for
something specific, “Help me to find the perfect dress for the reception.” Whatever you seek…ask. The very act of asking, helps you to focus on
where you are, what you want, and where you want to go. This keeps you grounded in the present, not
to mention getting you what you want.
The second step is to give thanks. Another bible verse is, “In everything, give
thanks”. I once read that if the only
prayer you practiced was “thank you”, that that would be enough. Getting in the habit of giving thanks in all
things is one of the best ways to ground yourself in the present by looking
around and appreciating all the goodness that surrounds you. If you look for the good, you will find
it. If you look for the bad, you will
find that too. Similarly, what we focus
on expands; therefore if you concentrate on the positive, more good things will
flow into your life. This is the law of
It is good practice to ask for what you want and to
immediately give thanks as if it is already given. Giving thanks, not only helps you stay
present but it cultivates and strengthens faith. It’s as if you’re thanking the Universe
simply for listening and being there, even if you don’t get what you asked
for. Giving thanks helps you get into
the appreciation habit, which helps you be more grateful for all you have,
rather than what you don’t.
The simplest way that works for me is to give thanks for
what you want. This combines both practices
in one easy package. In other words,
think of what you want…courage, grace, peace, joy, or maybe it’s something more
tangible like find a great partner, new job, or more money; whatever it is,
give thanks as if it’s already been given.
For example, if you want a new job you might say, “Thank you for leading
me to a wonderful new job with ease and grace.”
Or, how about, “Thank you for the confidence to face my fears every day.” “I know I will be supported with courage when
I need it”. “Thank you helping me to
have an open heart and mind.” “With your
help and guidance, I will me more gracious and understanding in every moment”.
Are you starting to get the gist? The best part is that any negative or fearful
thought can be a reminder to ask and give thanks. So instead of getting stuck in a negative
swirl or beating yourself up for not being happy or feeling afraid, try to
become conscience of that thought or feeling and immediately give thanks for
the opposite. Therefore, there are no “bad”
thought or feelings, just reminders of where you are and where you want to
go. You can even go one step further and
give thanks for those negative thoughts or feelings, because they are perfect
reminders to become conscience and get clear on what you really want.
The most important thing to remember is to be gentle and
kind with yourself. As with anything,
this takes a great deal of patience and practice. Most of us have an enormous amount of
practice beating ourselves up, so it stands to reason that creating new rituals
and habits might take an equal amount of time.
The key is to pay attention to your thoughts and emotions.
Anything can prompt you to become aware and ask and give thanks. They will both help to ground you, get you
what you want, and help you to stay present. So go
ahead and practice, practice, practice – this is the essence of the
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